My projects

Under manintaince(version-2 upload pending) but some links will work
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) & Feature Engineering
Analysis using Python with help of libraries Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn.
Projects X
  • Zomato Sales Analysis
  • Black Friday
  • Flight Price Prediction
Flipkart Web Scrapping
Scrapping flipkart website using BeautifulSoup python library based on search and storing the data(images,product details and other) in csv, txt files and keeping track the flow with logs
Detail X
  • Python
  • Flask
Employee Management System
CRUD operation using Django. Employee can fillup own details in the system and can check others details usinng filters and update and delete the information.
Detail X
  • Django Web framework
  • Mongo DB
  • Vercel
Tableau Projects
All my Tableau projects are available here
Detail X
  • Tableau Public